5 For 12-25-2023

We've got a hit from a Canadian band from the 60's. A crushing metal tune from Obituary. An old song updated with some creepy lyrics from the Classics IV. And a hip hop classic that can be player backwards and forwards. Happy holidays.

  • Song: Echo Beach
  • Artist: Martha and the Muffins
  • Album: Metro Music
  • Release Year: 1980

  • Song: Spooky
  • Artist: Classics IV
  • Album: Spooky (song)
  • Release Year: 1968

  • Song: My Will To Live
  • Artist: Obituary
  • Album: Dying of Everything
  • Release Year: 2023

  • Song: How Long (Has this been going on)
  • Artist: Players
  • Album: How Long
  • Release Year: 2017

  • Song: Rewind
  • Artist: Nas
  • Album: Stillmatic
  • Release Year: 2001

  • Happy listening 5 For The Week on Spotify
